Ready to see M-Files in Action?

Seeing is believing—scheduling a demo will show you how M-Files can:

Improve process efficiency: Automated document workflows across creation, collaboration, and approval increase efficiency by 70%.

Eliminate information chaos: Classify and organize data for a single source of truth, improving search efficiency by 50%.

Boost security and compliance: Automate document access rules, securely collaborate and leverage process automation to ensure compliance.

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Join the ranks of over 5,000 satisfied customers who've embraced Knowledge Work Automation with M-Files

What you'll get from this demo?

Our experts will walk you through customized features designed to empower your team, enabling them to swiftly access information, work more intelligently, and accomplish greater tasks with M-Files.

Personalized Overview

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Gain insights into how M-Files can address your specific challenges and optimize efficiency.

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Andrew Tellitocci Valeo

“Because I don’t have to spend a lot of time finding the information that I need to do my job, I spend more time helping the clients achieve their goals and do the things that they need to do, or what they’re paying us to do. They’re paying us to help them achieve financial goals. And, because M-Files allows us to store documents in a secure way, in an easy-to-find fashion, I spend more time as an advisor doing those things.”

Andrew Tellitocci

Director of Technology, Valeo
