Business Process Management

Improve business process management with workflow automation.

Benefit-Improve Process Efficiency & Accuracy

Boost Business Efficiency with M-Files: BPM and Workflow Automation

Business process management (BPM) is the key to operating a business with greater productivity, fewer errors, less waste, and improved efficiency. By identifying, documenting, and refining the repeatable processes that make a business run, BPM software can help to revise and improve those processes and make the business better.

Workflow automation supports business process management by automatically executing a series of tasks to accomplish a specific business process. As a document-driven process, workflow automation ensures the right people get the right information at the right time. Workflow automation solutions may also monitor the progress of each step in the process to ensure that everything stays on track, issuing alerts when they don’t.

M-Files’ AI-powered intelligent information management solution provides superior workflow automation technology that supports business process management. With easy-to-use tools for creating assignments, following up, reviewing documents, and getting signatures, M-Files helps inject efficiency into document-heavy processes.

Workflow automation with M-Files

M-Files provides a next-generation platform for intelligent information management. With M-Files, you can improve business performance and business process management by simplifying document-intensive tasks, minimizing human error, and streamlining processes.

M-Files’ technology connects all documents and information across every platform and repository, organizing, maintaining, tracking, and analyzing them to provide context for storing and retrieval. By automating information-driven business processes, M-Files ensures everyone gets the information they need at the right time, streamlining and facilitating workflow automation.

Workflow automation with M-Files lets you model document, employee, project, or process lifecycles based on processes you run in the real world. From contract approvals to invoicing, M-Files enables business process automation for common processes, allowing employees to focus on work that adds more value to the business. M-Files workflow automation streamlines document-driven processes to drive efficiency and reduce errors, while also putting proper access controls and notifications in place for sensitive documents and processes.

Benefit-Reduce Business Risk

Enhancing business process management with M-Files

To optimize business process management, M-Files makes it easy to create workflows with the M-Files Workflow engine, a simple application for customizing workflows to suit your specific needs.

Continuous Monitoring

M-Files automatically monitors each step in a business process and tracks the version history of each file.

Streamlined Assignments

M-Files lets you assign tasks to colleagues, automate follow-ups, get documents reviewed, and ensure approvals meet company guidelines.

Automatic Notification

M-Files automatically delivers notifications to an employee when there’s a task that must be processed.

Process Management

When an employee has completed their work on a document, M-Files automatically sends the document to the next person in the chain.

Enterprise-level Security

Sensitive information and confidential documents are protected by certified security, version control, recovery features, and granular access permissions.

Seamless Integration

M-Files can integrate with enterprise-scale software such as CRMs and ERPs, creating a seamless experience and enabling users to continue working with familiar tools.

Remote Access

M-Files supports the paperless office and enables employees to access documents anywhere, anytime, on any device.

Automatic Updates

For documents in a workflow, the metadata can be automatically updated as the file moves along the workflow from initial draft to comments, reviews, and approval.

Knowledge Work Automation Capability Maturity

M-Files Knowledge Work Automation Capability Maturity Model

Transform your business with M-Files, the leader of Knowledge Work Automation. Let us help you in assessing your digital maturity and set your path to success.


Searchable PDFs for Enhanced Business Process Management

Digitizing documents is the first step in automating document workflows for superior business process management. By converting paper documents into digital files, you can more easily store, organize, search, manage, and find documents when you need them.

M-Files Optical Character Recognition (OCR) converts paper documents into PDFs with searchable text, enabling M-Files technology to better determine the context of the content. As a result, review and approval processes can be accelerated. You can also drive efficiencies in document retention and deletion with additional workflow automation.

Accelerating workflows with electronic signatures

Signing documents electronically can improve business process management by making document management workflows faster, more secure, and more efficient. With M-Files, documents can be signed from any location and on any device in a secure and auditable way. Policies guide the flow of a document after signature as it is stored, archived, and retrieved.

Accelerate the Signing Process

By eliminating the need for individuals to sign paper documents in person, you can significantly accelerate the signature process.

Let Anyone Sign

M-Files lets you assign tasks to colleagues, automate follow-ups, get documents reviewed, and ensure approvals meet company guidelines.

Verify the Signature

M-Files will automatically compare the signature on a document to a previously obtained and authenticated signature.

Enhancing Business Process Management with M-Files

Faster Search

What you need, when you need it. That is the way M-Files works. Fast, easy, and intuitive.

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You can use your favorite daily tools, such as MS Teams or Salesforce to manage your documents.

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Easy Collaboration

Share content securely, and co-author documents simultaneously — wherever you work.

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Streamlined Daily Work

Let M-Files suggest tags for your documents and add workflows for faster processing.

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Why Improve Business Process Management with M-Files?

M-Files makes it easier to manage content and information more effectively in the digital workplace. Our approach to information management focuses on what the content of a document is, rather than where the document is stored. With M-Files, documents can live anywhere – on local drives, on CRM systems, and cloud storage, or any other location. Our technology analyzes and connects documents and data wherever they reside, across every platform and repository, and analyzes them to place them in context. Using metadata tags, we make it possible to retrieve documents in seconds – no matter where or in what format it is stored – anytime and anywhere. The result: you get a 360° view of all your content without the need for complex and costly migration to a central data repository. By automating and streamlining information management, we enable our customers to stay focused on their core businesses.


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See M-⁠Files In Action

Seeing is believing. Schedule a demo to learn more about simplified search, automatic workflows, intuitive user interfaces, and built-⁠in integrations with existing applications and file systems.
